
iPhone 12不配插头是为了保护环境吗

新浪财经-自媒体综合2020-10-25 18:58:380

iPhone 12不配插头是为了保护环境吗 | 双语阅读



文| Steve Kovach

Your new iPhone 12 doesn’t come with a wall plug in the box.

你全新的iPhone 12包装盒里并没有自带的充电插头。

Yes, that’s annoying. And yes, that means you’ll need to drop $19 on a plug that works with the new type of cable that comes with the iPhone 12 to enable faster charging. (Don’t worry, you can still keep your old iPhone’s plug and charging cord and it’ll work with the new iPhone 12.)


Despite Apple’s claim that the absence of the plug was a pro-environment move, it’s on track to see an uptick in its hardware accessories and wearables category thanks to the sale of the plugs and the new ecosystem its building around the iPhone 12′s MagSafe charging system.


That category, which includes products like the Apple Watch, AirPods, chargers and other accessories has already shown promising growth. Sales jumped nearly 17% to $6.45 billion in Apple’s fiscal third quarter. (Apple is scheduled to report its fiscal fourth quarter results on Oct. 29, but it won’t reflect sales of the iPhone 12 and related products, which went on sale Friday.)

可穿戴设备的类别下,囊括了一系列产品,包括Apple Watch、 AirPods,、充电器和其他已经显示出可观的销售前景的配件。销售额在第三财季大跨步增长了17%,现达到了64.5亿美元。(苹果公司计划将于10月29日发布第四财季数据,但这不会包含在周五上市的iPhone12和其相关产品的销量。)

Accessories and wearables are following a similar story we’ve seen with Apple’s services business, which includes digital products like streaming music and iCloud storage. With iPhone sales no longer showing growth, Apple has come up with new digital products to leverage more out of its user base of about 1 billion iPhone users. Apple generated $13.16 billion in services revenue for the fiscal third quarter, up nearly 15% from the year before.


Between the missing plug ($19), missing wired earphones (wireless AirPods start at $159) and the new MagSafe charger ($39) for the iPhone 12, Apple is poised to see a significant boost in accessory sales this quarter. On top of that, Apple has a new $99 version of the HomePod speaker that goes on sale next month and the Apple Watch is cheaper than ever, starting at $199.

在不见踪迹的插头(19美元)、消失不见的有线耳机(无线耳机起售价为159美元)以及为iPhone12所打造的MagSafe充电器(39美元)布局之间,苹果正期盼着在这一季度的配件销售额中看见显著增长。除此以外,苹果将在下个月推出一款全新的99美元的HomePod扬声器。与此同时,Apple Watch的售价比以往任何时候都更低廉,从199美元起售。

Deutsche Bank analysts picked up on that potential growth in a research note earlier this week.


“While [Apple] claims that they are not shipping earphones and a charging cube with the iPhone to save the environment (they are including a charging cord), the reality is that such a decision could drive a financial benefit for the company as well,” the Deutsche Bank analysts wrote.

“尽管苹果公司声明他们不给新机附带耳机和插头是出于环境保护原因(他们会附带一条充电线),真实情况是这个决定会为公司带来财政上的好处 ” 德意志银行的分析师们在报告中说到。

Looking beyond the near-term sales of the iPhone 12, Apple’s new magnetic charging system, MagSafe, is laying the groundwork for even more accessories for the iPhone. There have long been rumors that Apple’s ultimate goal is to remove the charging port in the iPhone, like it did for the standard headphone jack, which will in turn drive iPhone owners to buy even more extras for their devices.


Maybe Apple is sincere when it says removing standard accessories from the iPhone box is good for the environment. When you’re shipping tens of millions of iPhones per quarter with less packaging and plastic, there’s sure to be a positive impact on the environment. But at that scale, it also drives iPhone customers to buy more high-margin extras from Apple so they can get the most out of their iPhone. And that keeps revenues growing.

也许当苹果公司声言去掉iPhone的标准化配置是有益于环静保护的时候是出于真心的。当每一季度都为iPhone配件的运输减少百万、千万件的包装和塑料材质的时候,对于环境而言,一定会有良好的影响。但在同等的程度上,这也驱使iPhone消费者们从苹果公司购买更高利润的配件产品 这样他们才能从所购买的iPhone中得到更多价值。而这又会刺激苹果公司的销售额不断攀升。



